Where are they now? Frank and Eva's offspring are listed in birth order:
Charles and Carol live in the Nickel family's hometown of Springfield, Missouri, where they are both retired from serving as teachers and serve faithfully at Southern Heights Bible Church, Frank's pastorate from 1977-2002. Their three children live in Missouri, are married and have given them seven grandchildren to date.
Robert (Bob) passed away July 15, 2017 due to complications after emergency surgery. He was a pastor in Wellington, KS and a part-time missionary to the Ukraine. His first wife, LeAnn, predeceased him in 1991. He had three children, two are married, and he had eight grandchildren. There are further details in Bob's obituary here.
Jack passed away at age 25 on March 2, 1974 in a car collision. He was married to Karen, who went on to served with several American Embassies. They did not have children.
James (Jim) and Sheilia serve with Bee World and live in Colorado Springs, CO. They had four children, but the oldest was killed in a car collision at age 21. The three younger children are married and have given them six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Two live in Colorado and one in Atlanta.
John and Kathryn live in Mesa, AZ. John has a production company, Nickelsworth, and Kathryn works for American Airlines. John had three children from his first marriage, one passed away at age 13, two are married and have given him five grandchildren. John and Kathryn's two sons are students.
Steve and Wanda, live in North Carolina where they both serve with Samaritan's Purse. Steve also preaches for a small church in the Blue Ridge mountains. They have four children, a daughter in NC, a married son in Missouri, youngest son is in Virginia, and their second daughter serves with her husband on a Samaritan's Purse Relief team in Puerto Rico.
Paul and Shirley live in Omaha, NE where he retired from his career in Air Traffic Control and Flight Safety with the FAA. They have one married daughter living in Montana, who recently gave birth to their first grandchild.
Joyce lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where she is retired and volunteers in church women's ministry as a coach of women leaders. Joyce's first husband, Brent, died in 2012. She married Henry Rempel in 2014. She has one married son who lives in British Columbia and Henry has two sons in Calgary. Joyce actively writes at the Quiet Life blog.