Sunday, April 23, 2017

His Divine Credentials

His Divine Credentials

His words, His look, and His touch—
the Stranger of Galilee—
brought healing and joy where He went;
He set sin’s prisoners free.

His words—so mighty, yet plain,
demanded a verdict from all;
was He liar, impostor or fool,
or Savior who stood straight and tall?

His look—so piercing, yet kind,
divided the masses of men.
The humble and honest found grace,
while hypocrites cringed in their sin.

His touch—with miracle power
brought healing to sick and distressed;
and others by demons controlled
found pardon, deliverance and rest.

This Christ, of 2000 years past,
is changeless and living today.
His words, His look, and His touch
build hope in a world of dismay.

You can know Him and hear Him as well,
and experience the thrill of his touch;
but friend, don’t try to deceive—
He sees all the sins that we clutch.

Remember, the world turned Him down
though he offered forgiveness and peace,
and how do you choose to respond?
Don’t you want His blessed release?

fpn / undated

Photo credit: Deposit Photos #31604549, standard license

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