Sunday, May 21, 2017

Christian Service Hazards

This poem was written during the last summer of family touring before Frank accepted a call to pastor a church.

What are the implications
for serving Christ the Lord?
And are there any hazards
where life is thus out-poured?

We often speak of blessings
and benefits we reap
but shall we bypass sorrows
and ne’er have cause to weep?

We’re speaking now of valor
and for a job well done
while witnessing for Jesus,
whom this world seeks to shun.

We read of men in old times
who hazarded their lives
for the name of our Lord Jesus
(through such, the church still thrives).

They counted it an honor
to suffer for His name;
for in that name was power
to heal the sick and lame.

And in that name, authority 
to break the chains of sin
and liberate the prisoners—
their souls for heaven to win.

And no intimidation
could quench their ardent zeal.
No threatening could daunt them,
no charge their lips could seal.

The pain of being hated,
by some they sought to win,
brought tears—but of compassion
for those deceived by sin.

What then is the criterion
for usefulness to God—
prosperity and praises
or a life-style that is “mod”?

No! Understand the signals:
the world but loves its own;
to those of heavenly calling,
few courtesies are shown.

But Christ, our conquering captain
leads on with power and grace.
Through Him we walk serenely,
though serious threats we face.

Oh, may His love propel us
to follow His command
and though we face great hazards,
have power and grace to stand.

fpn / Summer 1977

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos #5808940, standard license

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