Saturday, November 24, 2018

Your Soul

Your soul, oh friend of mine,
most surely wants to live;
God offers you just that--
eternal life He'll give.

Your soul --to gain the world--
the top, through craft or toil!
What happens, when they've placed
your body 'neath the soil?

Your soul, (don't tune me out)
was meant for better things,
than temporary gain
and all this short life brings.

Your soul, --your faculties;
emotions, will and mind,
these live beyond the grave;
your body stays behind.

Your soul, --consider well;
there's much to win or lose;
it all depends upon 
how presently you choose.

Your soul's security
was purchased by our Lord;
He offers LIFE to you,
by trusting in His Word.

Your soul, --He says to come,
if you would have the best--
deliverance from sin,
and sweet abiding rest!

fpn/ May 1982

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

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